Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

A run on the beach felt like a good way to start this day of indulgence. I have started to adjust to more ‘normal’ times, and instead of getting up at 5am I sleep in until 7 or 8. What is it about Christmas that makes you feel like a child again, that excitement and joy you feel, I don't think I'll ever outgrow that. Here I am reaching 30 I still woke up at 6am, anxiously waiting for everyone else to wake up and Christmas eve to start.

A little photo sequence of today's's a fun Christmas on Koh Samui

My morning it :)

and in pj's

Were served a christmas breakfast in the apartment...we all ordered boiled eggs so that we could save them for our lunch :)

Then we headed for the beach

To indulge in a tasty Christmas drink

So beautiful

It is only around 12.30 and some of us look like this :)

Even though I love the winter and lots of snow, a beach Christmas never seem to be wrong

Sill lunch of course...they brought herring and good swedish cheese

And then Santa came

To hand out all the 150 baht gifts you can see laying around the tree

Till er alla från Koh Samui en riktigt God Jul!

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