Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Koh Samui Arrival-10 different modes of transportation later

The adventures of living on a budget includes feeling a bit squished, a bit tired, somewhat uncomfortable and it can be quite time consuming, but you also get to enjoy some fun people and experiences. The great thing about traveling alone is that you're actually never really alone. You're bound to talk to people you have to sit next to in a bus for 12 hours...lots of swapping of life stories and my list of things I want to do in life just keeps growing. I also don't have to worry about anyone else but myself...I do what I want when I want. Although, the company of friends and family is of course always appreciated and I'm looking forward to time with dad and the gang.

My trip started from okay guesthouse in Phnom Penh on sunday night. First a tuk tuk ride, then on to the night bus. I had 2 seats to myself, so not to bad, however the toilet was the tiniest, dirtiest little box that didn't have a working light...which made dehydration seem like a good choice for that leg of the travel. I was also woken up by a rooster kadoodling at 4.30am...apparently you can bring your rooster on these so called VIP buses, who knew. Stopped 10 min from the border and got to stay on the bus to sleep for 1 1/2 hour waiting for the border to open. Then had to switch buses only to drive the 10 minutes to get to the border. Lugging all my stuff across the border. Had to pay a 40 dollar fine for staying 8 days longer than my visa allowed me to. We get over to the other side and I'm in line to go through customs, when the clock turns 8am and the tv starts to play the national anthem. The room gets all quiet as everyone is watching the immigration officers stand up perfectly straight during the song to pay their respect to the king. It didn't matter that the whole room was full of people waiting...such difference in cultures, so fun to see. I finally get to thailand and although I'm squished into a minivan to continue on to Bangkok, I'm happy to be sitting down and be rid of my bags again. Once we arrive in town I get into a taxi to go to a travel agency, feeling happy as I plan for my next haul to be by train in a sleeper cabin. But oh silly me, the trains are all fully booked and I have no choice but to spend another night on a bus. I suck it up, pay for the bus and then head out and spend the day wandering the streets of Bangkok. A 1 dollar pad thai from the street vendor on Khao San Road and a steamed corn on the cob made for a delicious dinner on this beautiful afternoon and I enjoyed the time to just be. Back to the travel agent for a quick shower and getting ready for the next ride. One minivan ride, a night bus ride, a local bus ride, a ferry ride, and a tuk tuk ride later I finally arrive at this beautiful apartment hotel that dad, Nillan, Sonja and Tobbe have is 12 noon on tuesday the 21st of december.

Pad Thai on Khao San Road

and some yummy corn on the cob

They sure do like their King

Although Bangkok isn't my favourite place, it was a very nice sunset in the city

The tiny little local bus we got squished in to

The apartment hotel

Despite spending two nights in a row on a bus, I am quite the happy little camper and feel content. Life is good!


Lindsy said...

Skönt att du är framme och att allt verkar gått bra, det gäller att inte va kräsen... Hälsa alla så gott. Imorgon gör vi vår sista dag och på torsdag bär det av mot skogarna. -15 grader och alldeles vitt, det blir en riktigt god jul! Kram på er.

Sara said...

Later harligt, ha det sa skont i kylan. Fick julkortet...vad fin han ar underbara lilla henry. Krama honom lite extra fran mig.
Alla halsar!
Kram och god jul!