Friday, July 1, 2011

My Love Hate relationship with Summer

I’m sort of having a love hate relationship with summer right now…I mean, of course I love the summer, it’s just that it makes being at work so much harder. How on earth am I suppose to be able to get to bed at a decent hour when when the sun is still up and it looks like this outside at 10pm

Although it makes my morning bike to work so much easier and nicer when it looks like this outside at 5.30 am...sort of feels like going to work at mid-day...except that there's rarely anyone else out :)

Oh, who am I kidding the long evenings and the bright mornings will always fall under the LOVE category. And hours upon hours of sunshine after work has given me a week of a lot of bbq-ing and fun activities.

Hanging and swimming with my favourite boys

Bbq-ing at Ekerö

Biking through Stockholm

Bbq-ing with friends

Patio-dinner and a movie

The evenings just seem a lot longer

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