Thursday, June 9, 2011

I thank my years of soccer

Somehow I had signed myself up for a 10k run in charity of a blood drive...probably at that time thinking it's a long time until then, I'll have plenty of time to train a bit. But changing jobs, renovating an apartment and spending time with friends and family had my mind thinking of anything but running (actually my mind always seems to be thinking of anything but running)...anyway, so, when I on Sunday was told that I'm suppose to run 10k on Wednesday and I have to pay to do it (not quite back on my feet financially yet...but give 2 months or so :)) I slowly wanted to kill the alien who had taken over my body and written my name on that piece of paper. I don't even have a pair of running shoes (another thing that should be purchased in 2 months or so I guess)! With a pair of 10 year old runners tied onto my feet and a little bit of an upset stomach I stood at the back of the pack of 3000 runners wondering how this was gonna end for me. But as soon as the horn went my competitive spirit and stubbornness took over and I was amazed over how easy it felt to run among others who seemed to be struggling more than me :) Other than the fact that 7k into the race I thought I was gonna poop my pants and for 3k I had to run with my butt-cheeks pressed together and looking like a freak thinking I'm not going to make it, other than that, it was all good. I happily crossed the goal line with a very serious and concentrated face and made it all the way to the bathrooms. Later, once the picnic was all set up, I was one happy camper...I just love love picnics. And even though today there's not a muscle in my body that I'm not aware of, it was definitely worth a nice and sunny evening in stockholm among friends and family.
A big thank you to all my years of soccer which I am sure is what has given me a good bas fitness and is therefore also the reason I made it all the way around a 10k loop without preparation or training.
The 5k crew...
...and the 10k crew!
Go Team Gökboet!
A well deserved and yummy picnic afterwards...
...on a beautiful and sunny day in the parks of Stockholm

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