Saturday, April 9, 2011


Tearing down a wall with style...two girls, a crowbar and a hammer...oh what a fun saturday!

You're going down!
Höjer the power house in action
the first hole...
...shortly followed by the first block...yay! The stylish eye protection wear does it all.

Oh, the fun times of tearing down a wall

tearing, cleaning up...not so fun
Taking out some aggresstion on the wall...;)
Charge... ...and hit
The wall fights back and despite the lovely and stylish protection glasses dirt gets in our eyes...and many other places

Energy top-up
Linni is kicking the walls butt
a lady with matter what we do
Construction chaos
Dust everywhere!

Mission completed...victory

and celebrated with a night out


Keith Ferrell said...


Sara said...

:) Yup it did feel good...amazing how powerful you feel when you knock a good piece off :)