So, one might have thought that being around 200 children everyday would at some point get me sick…little did I know that it was meeting up with my Singaporean friends this past weekend that was gonna knock me out. Don’t wanna point any finger, but I’m fully blaming you Ali.
Somewhat of a bad timing as well since I had to leave the country to renew my visa. My cheapest option was a $10 bus ride to Ho Chi Minh City, which seemed like a really good deal for me as I have never been to Ho Chi Minh…but as the fever shivers, cough, stuffiness and worst of all diarrhea symptoms got worse and worse I slowly started regretting my decision. Luckily the bus wasn’t even half full and I was able to lie down across the seats in the back and sleep for parts of the 6½ hour ride. Once we got here and found a hotel I gladly tucked myself into bed for what I thought was gonna be an hour nap…one hour turned into three and I only got up to join the others for dinner (which consisted of a cup of tea and a piece of toast for me).
After a good nights sleep, a package of flu meds, and plenty of fluids I felt somewhat ok and was ready to go on the tunnel and war museum tour that we had planned. So I packed my bag full of meds, water, crackers, toilet paper and a pair of clean underwear (after recently being told about a diarrhea horror story taking place in a cave I didn’t wanna take any chances with going to the tunnels). Despite a few sweat attacks, fever shivers and stops at every toilet on the way it turned out to be a pretty good day and I really enjoyed the sights. Amazing to see that piece of history so close up.
Back in Phnom Penh now and still no better, hardly left bed for two days with the exception of my toilet visits. Can’t remember the last time I was this sick. It is so not fun.
Dagens läxa: Sara, när man har influensa kombinerat med diarré ger man sig inte ut på såna äventyr med museum och grejer. Det gör man bara inte. Man ligger i säng och tar det enbart lugnt.
Hoppas du blir frisk snart, krya!
Kram, storasyster.
Tack kara syster for de visa orden
Hmmm...sorry about that! although you have to blame yourself for the toilet problems as I haven't had any of that! We are still trying to get over the stupid fever and aching muscles and general flu stuff here! its been 7 days now...why does it take so long?
Oh poor thing.....that sucks. I have been so sick too and off work for 2 days. This thing is horrible...I haven't been this sick I think since I was a kid! It seems like everyone caught a slightly different variation of what Ali had. I can't imagine anything worse than feeling like that on a bus to Vietnam....I hope you are starting to feel better now! Thinking of you xoxo
Sara, min vän. Nu har du inte uppdaterat på mycket länge och det senaste handlade om sjukdom. Hur har du det? Mår du bra igen? Börjar bli lite orolig... Kärlek och kramar
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