Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oct 7th

Had to kill the most disgusting spider ever today. Usually I just see the smaller ones with the long legs and they mostly just hang out at the ceiling of my room. I keep telling myself that they are my friends as they kill the mosquitos :) but every now and then a huge one like this comes around and I have no choice but to get rid of it somehow.

So, with the broom in my hands I swung the handle at it about 5 times while at the same time jumping and running around because for every time I missed it came closer and closer towards me...all this with Kathy watching behind me, dying laughing. When I finally did hit it, it was with all my power and all the goo splashed out over the floor...yuck!

The count for creatures I don't always necessarily like, but have to share this place with:

Number of snakes seen: 2

Number of scorpions seen: 2

Number of spiders, geckos and unidentified creatures I share my home with: uncountable

I did also paint one of my walls blue today, just making it a little bit homier :)

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