Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sep 23rd

Redecorating our common area for the volunteers.
It's been bugging me ever since I got here that there is no organization to our living room and work area. Since it's our home Kathy told me I could rearrange however I wanted it and right away we started moving furniture. We put up some curtains too and now the feel is so much better. Feels good to be in charge sometimes :)


Annika said...

LOVE your blog! Great background, great content, amazing photos! Love it! Funny that you are redecorating! Do they know you are an "old" decorator? You sure moved up in rank quickly! Taking over the new volunteers! You are basically a new volunteer! They see a good thing in you. Good job girl!

Sara said...

Hej! Tack! Kul att du gillar bloggen. Japp, de vat att jag jobbade med det innan jag kom hit :) Jag har just valt ut lite farg som vi ska mala vara rum och vardagsrum med. Det kanns kul att ta lite ansvar, men vet annu inte helt vad allt innebar. Just nu forsoker jag bara ta hand om voluntarerna sa gott jag kan. Forlat att jag inte hann komma forbi innan jag akte, men hoppas att vi ses snart igen. Ni kanske borde planera in en tripp till Kambodja :)