Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sep 21st

Snakes and Scorpions
I am going to bed tonight feeling happy with a good day of teaching and playing. Just two minor things that might keep me up and worried a bit. First off this morning as we wake up Ella tells us about how she had a scorpion crawl over her hand last night! Second, as I sit peacefully on the step to our house today just relaxing after lunch, a snake slithers by on the step under my legs! Like I said just two minor things that will be in the back of my mind...I know someone who will be tucking their net in tightly under their mattress tonight.


Shauna Cottrell said...

Bugs in soup...snakes under your feet...WOW!!! I feel nervous and i am not even there! I am so envious though of this experience. hmmm....

Jessica said...

OMG! Hjääälp,kom hem NU Sara! <3

Sara said...

Ha ha, I like it here, despite the bugs and night creatures.

Annika said...

do you know what kind of snake it was?